Monday, December 31, 2012



Hello, Tanzanians. I can tell by the look on some of your faces that you're a little queasy about tackling the challenges facing our nation.. You are thinking, "He's probably going to ask me what have I done to eradicate our national misfortunes" . Great..., Just what I need _more guilt...
Nope. I am not going to do that.In fact, I'd like you to do just the opposite. I want you to give me at least one positive example from your 2012 accomplishments....Why? Because often all we see are the negatives, the mistakes, the shortcomings, without giving our good works their proper due. I want you to be encouraged not discouraged............In 2013 you can do far more than you probably give yourself credit for. Don"t underestimate yourself
Now go to it. Take a fun and affirming look at the good in yourself-you've earned it. In 2013 we need the guidance of diligence, a determination of the will, a commitment to stay at something until it is done and done right.

Friday, December 28, 2012



You may probably be asking yourselves,why CNC has seen the need to work harder to help our people.It is the love and passion we feel for others that has motivated us...It is unimaginable pain that others are going through that has awakened our spirits..We are privileged  and obliged to help Children and women,Orphans and street children,Handicapped and unemployed for we believe that,this is the only way to realize our purpose to live...
We have discovered something that we will die for...Life is nothing more than a search-a continuous search for a cause to live and die be governed by the thoughts and dreams and propelled by a concealed urge to achieve greatness.We have put our entire efforts to help the community by creating,modelling and developing the ideal society .



The followings are some of the characteristics that define the good entrepreneur;
  • Goal seeking
  • Information seeking
  • Systematic planning and monitoring
  • Opportunity seeking
  • Persistence
  • Commitment to work contract
  • Demand for quality and efficiency
  • Risk taking
  • Persuasion and networking
  • Self-confidence 
Therefore it is not the matter of starting any business of your choice,it is all about upholding the above values as financial doctrines Explore the following website to learn so many details

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Humility is the precious ornament of great women and men...Some people have the habit of taking credit of whatever good they have done....Whatsoever noble a deed may be,if the doer talks about his own glories and accomplishments,the deed certainly loses its sublimity and renders it futile...
We are currently facing the biggest challenge with relation to caste,creed,religion,politics and sex i.e Intolerance.The root cause of this folly is a false sense of pride, or an insecurity from other's point of view.An intolerant person can only arouse hatred because of his limited thoughts..
We as CNC have seen the great need to create ideal people who are humble and tolerant despite of what they have achieved and we hopefully believe that we do not need many resources to develop our nations as a lot of people think......"WHAT WE NEED IS THE RESOURCEFUL PEOPLE" Our country stands on the shoulder of the greatest thinker,the man whose personality exemplify HUMILITY AND TOLERANCE..J.K NYERERE
This is the resourceful man we Tanzanians can be proud of...!


A midst the sea of humanity,there are only a handful men and women who are able to achieve greatness. They start revolutions,create epochs,author the annuls of history,discover new worlds and pioneer organization concepts.These men and women come to control the destinies of millions and give new dimensions for human existence. CNC is determined to create great men and women who will move the hearts of millions.A great man can nevertheless be humble in mortal gains but his deeds may carry within him,the intrinsic value of greatness.Our dreams is to reach the millions throughout the world and we sincerely believe that with your help we will get that far.Whatever may be our endowments,background,situation or time,we promise to try our level best to comprehend and nurture our true potential.Here we commence our journey towards greatness and exploring a world of the needy,the handicapped,the illiterates and the unemployed.We are determined to give exhaustive indications towards the true meaning  of life as its positive transformation.May God bless CNC,Tanzania and Africa at large.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

CNC Wishes You Good Times in this Festival Season.

Hello..., We Wish You A Merry Christmas.

But Learn from these Great QUOTES.

There are many factors that determine your career success. What is the key success factor that ensures your dream of career success is alive?

Mwalimu Nyerere was reported as saying that he was a "Schoolmaster by choice and a Politician by accident"

If you have the will to win, you have achieved half your success; if you don't, you have achieved half your failure. 
By David Ambrose
The greatest thing about man is his ability to transcend himself, his ancestry and his environment and to become what he dreams of being. 
By Tully C. Knoles
Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all your heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours
By Dale Carnegie

Friday, December 21, 2012

A Quote of Martin Luther King, Jr.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Thursday 20th Nov 2012.
Education is also about time management.Time flies quicker than arrow and life passes with greater transience than dew.How skillful one can be,how can one ever recall a single day of the past?Frankly it is never too late in life to do amazing things.As CNC we believe that the time has come for people to be enlightened and be moved to a place of comfort.We advice people that time management is the greatest factor to make them prosperous.For the sake of having correct,skillful and successful structure of life style,we must manage our time well.We must always be ready through time management since crucial chances will certainly come knocking.Europe is one step ahead of us because of time management.Unreasonable delays at work in Europe is the biggest case to deal with and sometimes normal late workers are fired.Time controls everything in our lives,then it is important to keep our time well. With time Obama has become the U.S president,please respect my time if you want me to have a respect for you. CNC we are committed that with time,we will unleash our society with knowledge and we are motivated to do amazing work.TIME IS NOT OUR BARRIER BECAUSE WE KNOW HOW TO MANAGE IT!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


The story of  a woman who complained to a venerated Puritan minister about the clerical bands she wore with her pulpit gown.Saying that they annoyed her greatly because they were too long,then she asked his permission to shorten them.The aged saint quietly acquiesced and handed her the offending bands.Armed with her scissors,the woman shortened the bands according to her tastes and then handed the fragments back to the minister.Unruffled,he thanked her and said "Now,my good woman,there is something about you that is altogether too long that has annoyed me greatly.And since one turn deserves another,I would like the permission to shorten it"
"Certainly",she said,"you have my permission and here are the scissors"
Whereupon the wise minister said "Very well,madam put out your tongue"
We've all known people,like that woman,whose tongues needed trimming  
Very well,then......... put out your tongue.No,no,no.Relax,I am not suggesting we shorten it with scissors.I just want tom have a look at it.OK,you can put that little beast in its cage behind your teeth now.I'm afraid that the diagnosis isn't good for either you and me. 

They are Saying About Their Career, Just Read

I'm lucky to have been able to represent different companies over my career