Friday, January 4, 2013


                                                                                       Kibanga, Omari.
                                                                                 Among the CNC Founders.
You must conquer your fear of failure in order to get whatever you want.... happiness... love... succes... wealth... influence... power... popularity... fame... whatever you want in life.

The first step in conquering your fear of failure is to realize that failure is simply a routine event which happens to everybody in some degree almost avery day and often many time a day!

As they say in sports: you win some and you lose some!

The biggest reason for permanent failure - or even for prolonged failure - is that tender, timid people think of failure as something to be avoided! They try to avoid failure by never attempting to accomplish anything! And of course, that assures failure! Even if you are one of those tender, timid people, you cannot avoid failing some of the time!
If YOU now are one of those tender, timid people that fact alone will assure your failure, because being AFRAID OF FAILURE attracts failure like a magnet! Fear of failure assures failure!
This is why tender, timid people FAIL:
1) Tender, timid people think of failure as something to be avoided.
2) Tender, timid people are ashamed of failure.
3) Tender, timid people feel that they are disgraced by failure.
4) Tender, timid people are disappointed by failure.
5) Tender, timid people are discouraged by failure.
6) Tender, timid people panic when confronted by failure
7) Tender, timid people quit trying because of failure.

It is obvious that tender, timid people who are AFRAID OF FAILURE, actually assure their own failure by being afarid to really try to succeed and thus in seeking to avoid failure, they MISS UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITIES which lead directly to success! so, they actually avoid success..

Will be continued............

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